How to Treat & Even Eliminate Varicose Veins & Spider Veins Safely & Naturally at Home!

Few things can ruin your appearance and damage your self-esteem like varicose veins and spider veins.

I should know, I used to have varicose veins – notice I said “used to.” Today, my legs are varicose vein free and I regularly wear shorts and skirts without a second thought.

A few years ago, however, wearing shorts or skirts would have been unthinkable for me.

I had unsightly varicose veins that I found incredibly embarrassing. Though I live in Florida, just 30 minutes from the beach, I never went there because I didn’t want anyone to see my legs.

Then if the ugly, blotchy lumps of veins that were showing on my legs weren’t enough, I started getting a painful burning feeling in my legs at night that kept me awake.

‘My Varicose Veins Made Me Miserable’

Here are a few things that I found through research online that can help you reduce varicose veins and alleviate the painful symptoms that can accompany this condition.

Move around regularly

Sitting for long periods of time can inhibit blood flow in the legs which in turn can cause the formation of swollen vessels. Be sure to get up and move around once every hour or two. You can also occasionally prop your legs up or use an exfoliating dry brush to stimulate circulation and prevent blood from pooling.

Oil Up

Another thing you can do is massage your legs with essential oils that help strengthen blood vessels. These oils include Chamomile oil, Carrot seed oil and Lavender oil.

Make Lifestyle Changes

If you have varicose veins, here are some lifestyle changes that you can make that can help you reduce their symptoms:

– Don’t sit for extended periods with crossed ankles or legs

– Elevate your legs when you lie down

– Stop wearing high heels

– Stop wearing tight clothes, particularly clothes that are tight around your waist, legs and groin

– Start exercising regularly

– Lose weight

– Eat a more balanced diet

– Avoid alcohol

– Stop smoking

While all three of these things can help you better manage varicose veins, if you really want to get rid of them and the painful symptoms they can cause, here’s what worked for me – The All Natural Varicose & Spider Vein Solution.

Designed by a well-respected health doctor and nutritionist, this program utilizes dietary changes and supplements to improve vein health and reverse your varicose veins.

I was equally amazed at how easy the program is and at how well it works.

Like I said, I wear shorts all the time now and I’m also sleeping much better than I have in years – I no longer have that burning feeling in my legs at night.

The truth is just a few days after starting the program I noticed a real difference in how my legs felt.

Then as I continued on the program, each day I noticed the raised appearance of my varicose veins beginning to soften and then the twisted and lumpy veins flattening and smoothing out.

Then one morning I reached down and ran my hand over my legs and I was shocked at how much smoother they felt – there were no ugly and twisted lumps and bumps!

To find out if this program might work equally as well for you, please visit now. This could be your chance to get rid of unsightly, painful varicose veins without painful surgery! The program certainly worked for me.